Common Causes of Headaches
Headaches are pain experienced in any region of the head.
There are various types of headaches, and some of them last longer than others.
Headaches can be muscular in nature, sinus related, migraines or cervicogenic.
They can also be referred pain from a tooth, or experienced as a result of digestive discomfort.
Tension Headaches
Muscular or tension headaches are the most common.
The head itself is wrapped in muscles. They aide turning the head, moving the jaw, your eyes and facial movements.
These headaches are triggered by stress and long sedentary periods, like working or flying.
They can also be brought on by postural changes. This can be as a result of being sedentary, or from exercise (like cycling).
Teeth grinding, TMJ issues and tension in the eyes can also bring on headaches.
Sinus Headaches
These present as facial headaches.
They're often caused as a result of an infection or inflammation of the sinus cavities.
Most commonly they present during winter when people are unwell.
Also during spring when pollen count is high or when someone has a lot of inflammation due to an allergy such as dairy.
Cervicogenic Headaches
These types of headaches form as a result of issues and tension in the neck.
Often times there may be a prior history of whiplash. This isn't limited to motor vehicle accidents, but can also be from bunjy jumping, falling over, jetboat riding etc.
A long standing history of tension in the neck can lead to more than just muscular tension. It can affect the spinal structures too.
If spinal structures become involved, facet joint pain or bulging discs can occur. This can lead to nerve pain and referred pain as well.
Improving spinal function and decreasing tension with Chiropractic as an example is an effective mode of treatment.
Migraines are debilitating for so many people. What's frustrating is that for many the cause of them is not obvious.
They are thought to come on for varying reasons such as hormones, vascular restrictions or tension. And there can be a broad range of triggers such as diet, stress, sleep issues even intense bright lights.
We've had varying degrees of success with our clients opting for a massage if they feel a migraine coming on. Sometimes this can be very effective.
Others reach for their prescribed medication when they need it.
More recently we've had clients opting for the use of botox as a preventative and that has been working really well.
Your Headache, A Real Pain
Nearly everyone has had a headache of some sort at every point in their life. Be it mild or intense, they definitely affect quality of life.
Thankfully, many headaches are mild and pass relatively quickly. For those that linger, issues include:
- Memory
- Brain Fog
- Mood Changes
- Trouble concentrating
- Increased fatigue
- Irritability
- Digestive changes
- Pain
Old Wives Tale:
This works a treat for some of our migraine sufferers.
Place a cold pack on the back of your neck and a heat pack behind your knees.
This draws blood away from the head and neck and towards your lower body.
At Home Preventative Tips
Some of the ways that you can prevent headaches yourself are:
- Stay hydrated,
- Limit your caffeine intake
- Spend some time outside, so you can get enough oxygen.
- Use a heat pack to manage stiffness.
- Gentle massage.
- Stretch. It's so simple to incorporate neck stretches into your regimen to prevent cervicogenic headaches.
- Deep breathing, this is for stress management.
- Hot water with lemon and or hot tea. Headaches can be an affect of something you've eaten that doesn't quite agree with you. If you suspect this might be the case, something hot will aide digestion.
How We Can Help
Our Chiropractic services are an excellent way of helping you with your headaches.
With tension headaches relieving the tight muscles around the neck and TMJ will ease symptoms.
For Cervicogenic headaches, treating the cause at the neck and shoulders is required.
We even treat sinus related headaches by needling the sinus cavities to help them drain.
Our treatments are comprehensive and thorough.
Schedule an appointment with ease online.