
Do you find that you have to work during the week to support your weekend warrior & social habits?

Unfortunately most of us still have to work, but our workplaces are becoming more family friendly and generally flexible with time. This does however mean a lot of corporate workers find themselves in a hot desking situation.

Knowing foundations for workplace ergonomics in these situations is paramount. These tips will make you more comfortable and conserve energy whilst working.

Not only this but a measurable decrease in any pain or discomfort will be noted.

A research paper (#1) cited the use of web based intervention as prompts and guidance on correct ergonomics. This paper noted that of the participants 47.3% presented with some kind of musculoskeletal pain (back or neck pain as an example). During the trial, the 3 month evaluation showed an enormous 41-50% decline in ongoing discomfort!

Your Work Station Ergonomics are an easy way you can maintain good posture in the work place. Here are some key pointers to get you on your way!

Chair Ergonomics

Chair Ergonomics
  • Sit all the way back in your chair, with the seat adjusted so your feet can be flat on the floor.
  • Make sure you have a chair that provides not only lumbar support but also for your upper back.
  • Have the chair reclined to 100-110 degrees (just slightly back from bolt up right)
  • If you have arm rests make sure they are adjusted so your shoulders can be comfortably relaxed.
  • If you don't have arm rests, raise your seat so your arms and thus shoulders are relaxed at your desk. You can use a foot stool if needed to ensure you feet remain flat.

Keyboard & Mouse Ergonomics

  • Ensure the keyboard is positioned close to you so that you are not reaching to use it.
  • Make sure it is directly in front of your body and not to the side (this minimises unnecessary spinal rotation)
  • Have the keyboard tilted in such a way that your wrists/hands are straight but that your elbows can be a little bit open
  • Keep your mouse as close to the keyboard as possible.
  • Consider the use of alternates to a standard mouse such as a track pad or ergonomic standing mouse.

Monitor Ergonomics

Monitor Ergonomics
  • As with the keyboard keep the monitor positioned close to you and directly in front of you.
  • Have the screen be 2-3 Inches above your eye level (when seated)
  • Minimise computer screen glare by slightly shifting the screen positioning, by using anti glare filters or drawing blinds where possible.
  • Position any paper work directly in front of you also (beneath your monitor) to keep good posture.

If you will be spending lots of time on the phone then consider requesting a headset or at least keeping the phone as close to your work station as possible.

Avoid the trap of having your phone squished between your head and shoulder - if a headset is not available, use Bluetooth or a speaker-phone wherever possible.

To ensure you maintain the best posture possible whilst at work it is important that you take regular breaks. These do not need to be excessively long or disruptive to your work load, simply taking the long route to the bathroom and re filling your glass of water on your return will suffice. This will ensure that you can re set upon your return back to your desk refreshed and with good posture.

If you would like some additional workplace ergonomics assistance or need help with your posture and any posture related pain, our chiropractors can help. Click Here to learn more about how we can help. Or alternatively you can connect with us Here If your ready to book an appointment, you can jump on our online booking system to do so.