Kettlebell training basics

Kettlebell training is a great way to achieve overall strength, endurance & build fitness. The exercises are designed to utilise and work major muscles, burn maximal body fat, build strength and most importantly they are versatile and can easily be used and stored at home!

The origins of Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell training started back in Russia in the 1700s and has only gained popularity in the US and Australia in the last 10-15 years. Commonly used by Russian Strongmen and heavily incorporated into the Soviet Army, kettlebell training was a staple in that culture.

Now commonplace in our gyms, there are institutes dedicated to learning the art of kettle bell training. Kettlebells make up the basic requirements of most outdoor training sessions (boot camps) and make for versatile indoor training alternatives that are used by all.

The benefits of Kettlebell Training

Kettlebell training offers many benefits, whether you keep and train at home or you make use of the varying weights at your local gym.

  • Minimal training space required
  • Only minimal storage space required. Having a selection of about 4 -6 different weights will allow you enough variety to complete most exercises.
  • Maximal high intensity conditioning with relatively minimal joint impact.
  • Whole body workout that improves muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.

Kettlebell Training - The Basics

Here are 4 key "basic" (not easy) movements to introduce kettle bell training.

Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Deadlift

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Clean & Press

Clean & Press

Turkish Get Up

Turkish Get Up

Injuries to be mindful of

Just like any exercise, Kettlebell training has its own share of risk toward injury. All too often people can be seen over training and overdoing what are supposed to be fluid movements. This will easily set up overuse injuries that can stop your training in its tracks.

We will cover in depth potential injuries for each of these exercises but the key areas to be concerned about are:

  • Bruising from kettle bell placement over the shoulder
  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow
  • Rotator cuff injuries and bicepital tendinitis
  • Overuse injury and trigger point flare up

If you are injured, Sports Chiropractic is an excellent method of getting your injury seen to. Blending the best of Physio and Chiro. you can be rest assured that there will be no "whacking and cracking" and sending you on your way here.

Due care and time is taken to properly assess and treat, utilising a variety of hands on skills and dry needling to get the inflammation down and the injury under control. Only then will rehab exercises be prescribed and any modifications to your current exercise program advised. You can always read more about what is Sports Chiro & how we approach it at Paramount Health.