Category Floatation Therapy
Health Benefits of Floating

You can think of a Floatation tank as your own giant, private bath tub full of Epsom Salts.

So much Epsom Salt that when you hop in you will float effortlessly.

Float tank health benefits include so much more than just deep relaxation. (Not that there is anything wrong with that!).

Benefits range from cardiovascular health, to insomnia, anxiety, stress relief and general well being.

Think of yourself floating with ease, in warm water heated to body temperature. The environment is dark and quiet and time passes with total ease.

It's just you, your body and your chance to take some time for yourself and totally re charge.

Health Benefits of Floating

Floating Health Benefits

The beautiful thing about Floating is that it's benefits are broad.

From pregnancy, to new mums, working professionals and athletes, Floating has benefits for all.

They include enhanced blood circulation, detoxification, healing, pain management, and enhanced concentration.

Floatation tanks help to harness the ultimate homeostasis needed for personal wellness.

Here is how you can Benefit from Floatation Therapy

Relax & Unwind

Relax and unwind
There is no doubt about it, floating is a highly relaxing experience. The weightlessness relieves so much pressure on your body that it allows the nervous system to reset.
With this comes a calming effect.
The combined effect of this, with the magnesium content reduces blood pressure and decreases cortisol.
As floating also accesses theta brain waves during the session, these mimic sleep. This helps to further relax you and provides you a rested feeling.

Ease Chronic Pain

Ease Chronic Pain
The dense Epsom Salt solution combined with the anti gravity effect works wonders for your body.
The experience creates a very powerful anti inflammatory response.
This helps ease muscular tension, it helps soothe the joints and provides long lasting relief.
We've put together a detailed blog on this so be sure to hop on over and read in detail. We have tons of research to back things up too!

Supercharge your Sports Recovery

Supercharge your sports Recovery

There is research available to show the benefits of floating for sports recovery.

Positively the research is in favour of floating as an aide.

It helps you in your training by:

  • Improving muscle recovery
  • Taking the pressure off your joints
  • Promoting rest so you can effectively heal
  • Reducing the effects of fatigue

For the everyday athlete, how does floating help? It means you can train harder and faster and recover quicker. This will also help with fatigue and thus enhance sporting performance.

Fight Fatigue

Floating Fights Fatigue

There is research available to show the benefits of floating for sports recovery.

Positively the research is in favour of floating as an aide.

It helps you in your training by:

  • Improving muscle recovery
  • Taking the pressure off your joints
  • Promoting rest so you can effectively heal
  • Reducing the effects of fatigue

For the everyday athlete, how does floating help? It means you can train harder and faster and recover quicker. This will also help with fatigue and thus enhance sporting performance.

Improve Wellbeing

Improve wellbeing whilst Floating
The magnesium rich waters of the float tank have been shown to benefit cardiovascular health.
Floating also relaxes you and promotes feelings of happiness. When your energy levels and mood are better, your day is also better.
Relaxing in the quiet, dark tank, the environment work wonders for your nervous system. This in turn helps ease pain and tension.
With better heart health, less stress and improved mood, the result is improved well-being.

Re Connect with your Creative Self

Reconnect with your Creative Self
When it is busy in your life, without knowing it will often be busy in your mind too.
Before you know it there is so much clutter that you can't hear yourself think.
Meditating is a beautiful practice but for some the discipline is hard.
Floating naturally calms your mind. And the beautiful thing is that there is absolutely no effort required.
You hop in, you chill out and before you know it, your mind has wound down.
With time you can harness the silence and enhance your meditative practice.
Once the clutter is gone and your mind is still, intuition can start to flourish and creative ideas start to flow again.
It's that simple.

Float to Ease your Pregnancy

Floating for Pregnancy
Floatation Therapy is popular among pregnant women as it helps ease the tensions of pregnancy.
The weightlessness experienced, relieves pressure from feet, hips and back.
The neutral posture experienced relaxes joints and muscles. It also allows the spine to re align in a natural curvature.
Our clients love the relief they experience from their low back pain.
Not only that but the level of relaxation and rest experienced is immensely beneficial for both mum and bub.